Sunday - Seerah for KIDS
With the mercy of Allah, we are presented with this beautiful opportunity to gather our children and enrich their minds towards a better understanding of our glorious Quran and the teachings of our Prophet Mohammed PBUH. Each week, will compase of a Seerah story session about our beloved Prophet PBUH. Approx. 1 hour Followed by questions and answers. Bring your children of schooling age and open these doors for a beautiful relationship towards learning more about our Deen. A great way for our children to build friendships with each other in our community and most importantly a friendship and relationship with our beloved Creator, Allah (SAW).
For further questions please feel free to contact us.
SUNDAY 5:00 P.M.
The life of the Prophet PBUH - Led by Mohammed Farag
For Children of ANY age, and most preferably ones who are able to listen and learn.
Families are welcome to join.
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